“A witch is a woman who emerges from deep within herself. She is a woman who has honestly explored her light and learned to celebrate her darkness. She is a woman who is able to fall in love with the magnificent possibilities of her power. She is a woman who radiates mystery. She is magnetic. She is a witch.”
Hello, and welcome to Mama Moon, emporium of dreams! I’m Semra Haksever, an eclectic witch, intuitive, healer and empath.
As an eclectic witch, I take inspiration from many different ancient traditions. I’m often asked how I became who I am, and the truth is that I was born with a unique sense of connection to the metaphysical and the mystical. Honouring the moon’s energy and welcoming amazing signs from the Universe has been my way of life for god knows how long. They say your vibe attracts your tribe, and I’m a huge believer that a leap of faith into the unknown and a little magic can open the doors to so many empowering possibilities and people. My mission has, and always will be, to spread cosmic vibes around the world. There’s an endless amount of love to go round, and doing my bit to spread it feels INCREDIBLE!
Mama Moon is now cosily nestled in my little shop in East London, a special oasis where I create magical wares, host rituals and create bespoke spells. I’m 100% about creating feel-good empowering magic, raising our cosmic vibrations and connecting to the universe. When we embrace our inner witch (yep, we each have one) and start weaving the ancient wisdom from these rituals into our lives we create a ripple effect of positive vibrations to those around us, and incredible things start to happen. Magic is so POWERFUL! I hope my creations, spells and rituals empower you as they have me. Now, how about we make a bit of magic and awaken that feisty, fearless inner witch of yours?
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been obsessed with magic and all things metaphysical; aware of synchronicities as signs from the universe, tuning in to my intuition and feeling über connected to the moon. I was lucky enough to meet some awesome, deeply spiritual women during my teens, including my two grandmothers, who had a huge impact on my life and my magical path.
After stumbling on a book about scents at a car boot sale one day, I became obsessed with magic and spells, and from then on, any time I needed to manifest something, switch up my energy or raise my vibration, spells, incense and herbs became my super tools.
The story of Mama Moon began during a period of my life when I’d lost my way and my mojo. I’d booked a trip to Bali to try and help get me out of my funk, and while I was there I decided to climb an active volcano. (FYI — If you knew me, you would know how out of the ordinary something like this was for was for me to do!) Before the gruelling climb, I set an intention that once I reached the top, I’d have a vision of what I was going to do with my life. And, sure enough, I reached the top and had the most surreal ‘Aha!’ moment. I realised that I’d been put here to spread cosmic vibes around the world and make my magical tools accessible to everyone.
My intention had come true, and Mama Moon was born! I literally sprinted back to my hotel room and began manifesting my ideas. I love to geek out on learning about the magical properties of herbs, plants, flowers, seeds, roots and oils — all amazing gifts from Mother Earth, and elements I now use to create my candles and potions.

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